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Orunla Statue (Knowledge, Destiny, Harmony) Comes in 2 Sizes

Orunla Statue (Knowledge, Destiny, Harmony) Comes in 2 Sizes

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Orunla, or Orunmila, is the wise orisha of divination and human destiny. While other orishas have different "paths," or aspects to them, Orunla has only one. He is also the only orisha to not manifest through possession in the New World (although it does sometimes happen in Africa). Instead, he is consulted through various divination methods.

Orunla was present at the creation of humanity and the forging of souls. Thus Orunla has the knowledge of the ultimate destiny of each soul, which is an important facet of Santeria practice. Working toward one's destiny is to promote harmony. To move contrary to it creates discord, so believers look for insight as to their destiny and what they might currently be doing that runs contrary to that.

Orunla is most commonly associated with St. Francis of Assisi, although the reasons are not obvious. It may have to do with Francis's common depiction of holding rosary beads, which resembles Orunla's divination chain. St. Philip and St. Joseph are also sometimes equated with Orunla.

The table of Ifa, the most complex of divination methods used by trained Santeria priests represents him. His colors are green and yellow.

4 3/8" x 4 7/8" x 5 1/8" full size

1 3/4" x 2 1/8' x 2 1/2" smaller size