Smudging is used to change the energy in the area. We carry various smudging sticks. Here is a list of what we carry and some of their corresponding uses. We only purchase from ethically sourced vendors and suppliers.
California White Sage: used for purification of self and space, helps to prepare for ritual or to recharge, and cleanses of any bad feelings, negative thoughts, bad spirits or negative energy. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage/ Lemon Basil: used for protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love and friendships as wells the benefits of white sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick>
White Sage/Daysi Dragon Flower: used for abundance, peace, protection of children and innocence, loyalty, fairies, lust, health, simplicity, friendships, love, luck, blessings, positivity, divination, new beginnings, concentration and resilience as well as all of the benefits of white sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage/Hibiscus Flower: used for love, sexuality, heals traumas, prophetic dreams and cleansing as well as all of the benefits of white sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Eucalyptus/White Sage: is for protection, health boosting as well as being energizing for cleansings and has all of the benefits of white sage. This listing is for ! smudge stick.
White Sage/ Yellow Rose: Yellow Rose removes jealousy or envy. As well as all of the benefits of White Sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage/Red Rose: Red Rose brings in happiness and Love. As well as all of the benefits of White Sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage/Cinnamon: cinnamon raises the spiritual and protective levels while stimulating personal, psychic, and physical energy. As well as all of the benefits of White Sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage/ Peppermint: Peppermint is simply refreshing and soothing and is often used for purity, protection, release, and renewal. It is known as a powerful, potent and prolific healing herb that has been known to heal many ailments; an herb that provides protection, and an herb that can draw the energies of wealth and prosperity to those willing to harness it. As well as all of the benefits of White Sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage/ Cedar: Cedar has been used simply for renewal and protection and grounding. As well as all of the benefits of White Sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage /Bay: uses for protection, healing and calming to success, victory and being an anxiety reducer. As well as all of the benefits of White Sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Blue Sage/White Sage: used for purification of self and space, helps to prepare for ritual or to recharge, and cleanses of any bad feelings, negative thoughts, bad spirits or negative energy. Also it is a purifying herb with broad medicinal and magical applications, is widely used for cleansing and purification purposes, it provides spiritual strength and sometimes it is also used during exorcism rituals as well to remove the malevolent spirits. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage/Thyme: used for healing protection and beauty as wells all of the benefits of white sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
7 Chakras White Sage: used to cleanse and balance the 7 chakra points on the body as wells as all of the benefits of white sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage/Lavender: used for clairvoyance, love, peace, healing, psychic protection, meditation, and sleep as well as all of the benefits of white sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage/Calendula: used for banishing, cleansing, love, prophetic dreams and luck as well as all of the benefits of white sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage/Pinon Pine: used for healing, protection and fertility as well as all of the benefits of white sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage/Rue Smudge: used purify practitioners of negative influences and evil spirits and also be used to purge negative energies and purify a house as well as all of the benefits of white sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
White Sage/Blue Sage/Dragon's Blood Smudge: used for purification of space and self as well as all of the benefits of dragon's blood. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
We also carry white sage smudge alternatives.