Smudging is used to change the energy in the area. We carry various smudging sticks. Here is a list of what we carry and some of their corresponding uses. We only purchase from ethically sourced vendors and suppliers.
Bay Smudge: used to banish and protect against extremely negative energy and spirits and can cleanse a spacebar is more effective when used on a person. wards off draining, negative emotions and welcome in new uplifting beginnings. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Blue Sage Smudge: Known as Grandmother sage and is a purifying herb with broad medicinal and magical applications. Used for cleansing and purification. It provides spiritual strength and to remove evil spirits. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Blue Sage/Cedar Smudge: this smudge has the benefits of both blue sage and cedar. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Blue Sage/Copal Resin Smudge: used for offerings to the Divine, purification, meditation, pure thoughts and removes stagnant energy as well as all of the benefits of blue sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Blue Sage/Dragon's Blood Smudge: used as a purifying, cleansing and to add power to your workings as well as all of the benefits of blue sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Blue Sage/Eucalyptus:this smudge has the benefits of both blue sage and eucalyptus. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Blue Sage/Lavender: this smudge has all the benefits of both blue sage and lavender. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Blue Sage/Peppermint: used to cleanse, refresh and cool both the body and the mind as wall as all of the benefits of blue sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Blue Sage/Red Rose Petals: used for meditation, divination, increasing psychic powers and communication, contacting powers and being in other dimensions along. also attracting love, conferring peace, stimulating sexual appetite and enhancing beauty as well assail of the benefits of blue sage. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Blue Sage/Rosemary: this smudge has all of the benefits of both blue sage and rosemary. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Blue Sage/Yerba Santa Smudge: this smudge has all of the benefits of both blue sage and yerba santa. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Desert Sage Smudge: used for cleansing, purifying, protection, and inner strength. This listing for 1 smudge stick.
Eucalyptus Smudge: used for protection, health boosting as well as energizing for cleansing. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Eucalyptus/Dragon's Blood Smudge: this smudge has all of the benefits of both eucalyptus and dragon's blood resin. This listing for 1 smudge stick.
Eucalyptus/Cedar Smudge: this smudge has all of the benefits of both eucalyptus and cedar. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Eucalyptus/Lavender Smudge: this smudge has all of the benefits both eucalyptus and lavender. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Eucalyptus/Rosemary Smudge: this smudge has all of the benefits of both eucalyptus and rosemary. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Eucalyptus/Yerba Santa Smudge: this smudge has all of the benefits both eucalyptus and yerba santa. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Cedar Smudge: used to purify places, objects and people and can attract good spirits and eliminate negative energy. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Cedar/Lavender Smudge: this smudge has all of the benefits of both cedar and lavender. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Cedar/Rosemary Smudge: this smudge has all of the benefits of both cedar and rosemary. this listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Lavender Smudge: used to open the heart, calm the mind, bring in positive energy while helping to release fear and bring in protection and angelic beings. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Lavender/Rosemary Smudge: this smudge has all of the benefits of both lavender and rosemary. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Lavender/Yerba Santa Smudge: this smudge has all the benefits of both lavender and yerba santa. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Patchouli Sage Smudge: used as an aphrodisiac, removes impotence, promotes relaxation and uplifts moods. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Patchouli Root Smudge: used in abundance, attraction, prosperity, seduction, passion, lust sex magic, fertility, freedom, confidence and protection. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Nag Champa Sage Smudge: used to purify the air and chase away all negativity. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Red Sage Smudge: a mixture of desert sage and dragon's blood. It has all of the benefits of both. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Black Sage Smudge: (mugwort) used for restful sleep, vivd dreams prophetic dreams, inner healing, crystal gazing and astral travel. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Cedar Smudge: used in purification, sacred ceremonies, and cleansing. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Juniper Smudge: used to ward off negativity, guards against evil spirits and illness and is used for cleansing. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Oregano Smudge: used in friendship spells, helps one to fall deeper in love and helps to open the heart chakra. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Pinon Pine Smudge: used to bless a new space, helps with physical healing and attract positive energy and outcomes. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Rosemary Smudge: used to cleanse and clear energies and to uplift both your body and spirit. Also for protection, peace and feminine power. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Rosemary/Yerba Santa Smudge: this smudge has all of the benefits of both rosemary and yerba santa. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Rue Smudge: used to clear out the most persistent negative energy. Removes envy, brings blessings of prosperity and second sight. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Yerba Santa Smudge: used for protection and setting boundaries in love, purification, growth, emotional trauma, and beauty. This listing is for 1 smudge stick.
Palo Santo: used for spiritual cleansing and house blessings. Removes negativity, restores harmony and tranquility. This listing is for 2 smudge sticks.
Sweetgrass: used to purify people, spaces and objects of negative energy and brings in protection. This listing is for 1 mini sweet grass braid.
We also offer California White sage Smudges as well.