Thieves Vinegar is a very old formula used for repelling and protection from negative energies, folks who would want to cause you harm, or drain your psychic energy. This is excellent for protection from psychic vampires. The kind of people that just seem to drain you dry just by being around them or talking to them.
This particular recipe that I use calls for 13 ingredients to be mixed with red wine vinegar and left to be stored in a warm place for approximately one month. This one follows a version of the recipe that dates back to the 1750's and is very potent. Since then, some folks tend to simply the recipe by only using four of the traditional ingredients, one to represent each thief in the story of Thieves Vinegar.
My Thieves Vinegar comes in a two different sizes. A one ounce bottle or a gallon size. It is convenient to not only use in your magical workings but also to clean around your doorways, wipe your doorknobs, use in the car or workplace, and even in places like classrooms, hospitals, and nursing homes. I do not recommend using it directly on fabrics, because it could stain. You can even use this on your hands to cleanse or wash your hands of a person, harmful germs or illness, bad situation, or past memories.
Perhaps there is some kind of spiritual or domestic disturbance, tension, bad vibes, illness, or fear going on in your home or your life. Feel like a dark cloud is hanging overhead? Banish it away with our Thieves Vinegar. This formula is also one of many that are good for protecting your home from negative energies or those who wish you harm. Feel as though someone may be using magic against you? In addition to other measures, this is an excellent item to have around. You never know when you might need it.